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Saints and Sinners

Sleeper | Exchange | Filthy | Fall | Balance | Surface | Excess | Temperance

Welcome to Philadelphia

The Birthplace of a Nation, rife with history and conflict, another stop on the Northeast Corridor. Home of the Phillies, cheese steak and the Rocky Statue. There’s dozen world-class museums, a haunted prison, Rodin’s Le Penseur, and his famous Gates to Hell–


And a lesser-known actual gate to Hell.

For some reason, the After has found a comfortable home in Philadelphia–and with it, come all the scum and villainy one would expect.

Except it’s not Hell that’s responsible for evil.

It’s mostly humanity’s fault…

And in the end... there is no line between good and evil.

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“The soul of the sluggard

desireth, and hath nothing:

but the soul of the diligent

shall be made fat.”

–Proverbs 13:4

Dr. Wren Warner—successful, respected, and hard-working—doesn’t have time for problems. She has patients who count on her.


All of her problems lie in sleep.

As in, she can’t. When she does, she is haunted by memories of fire and swords. It’s starting to interfere with her work and she’s desperate for answers.

One person may be able to help.


Dr. Fischer Skillman is the best neurologist on the east coast. Not only does he know his way around a brain, but he knows dream disorders better than anyone. Things don’t start off well when he pisses Wren off before their first consult.


But then, they touch.


Wren and Fischer share a vision neither of them can explain–the first of many. Wren is tired and scared, while Fischer doesn’t want to investigate the reasons. When Wren is called in to help the children rescued from a sex trafficking ring, she needs Fischer’s help, but he refuses to budge. It’s not his job.

Wren and Fischer are pulled into a mystery when Elutheria—one of the rescued girls—proves to be nothing like the others. They find themselves in the center of things that defy understanding—but they need to understand, to save Ellie.

A #whychoose romance! Wren’s reverse harem is a slow build, high burn story.

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“He that loveth silver
shall not be satisfied with silver;
nor he that loveth abundance
with increase: this is also vanity.”
–Ecclesiastes 5:10

Demons aren’t always evil, but sometimes, they have no choice…

Lincoln Foster plays by the rules.

He likes to beat the cheaters at their game by not playing along. There’s nothing more satisfying than to make a legal million.

Dr. Wren Warner is in a desperate position. She and Fischer need to find their adopted daughter’s brother–a young innocent boy they want to call their son. But, neither her nor Fischer or their friends have access to the wealthy classes who know where Ben is.

Lincoln does.

He agrees to play a dangerous game, breaking his own rules about not breaking the rules. The reality the Lincoln faces is like nothing he could ever have imagined.

Wren and Fischer are there for him, as much as they can be. Wren doesn’t want to like Lincoln, as arrogant and greedy as he is, but she can’t deny there’s something about him– and Fischer is strangely calm about this man who clearly has designs on his woman.

All of them are uncovering truths that scare them. Truths that are bigger than they could have possibly imagined.


Truths that, once uncovered, could change the very fabric of their world.



“For they were ashamed
to declare their lust,
that they desired
to have to do with her.”

–Susanna 1:11

Perhaps the devil is not the demon of nightmares…

Still seeking Elutheria’s natural brother, the Warner-Skillman-Foster household is besieged by the supernatural.

Lincoln and Fischer are seeing sins on people–cuts, bruises, gorings, and even the occasional snake, they have no idea where they are coming from.

Wren, Ellie and the twins are pursued by creatures that hide in human skin, and can only be dispatched with flameblades. The problem is that only certain people can handle flameblades, and Wren isn’t one of them. With two young children to protect, she wants some back up.

An old ally returns to help: Detective Lily Haden has a solution for Wren’s demon problem. Instead of being a simple solution though, Lily’s answer reveals information they never dreamed was possible.

At the same time, a new ally appears in their life: Sebastian Mederos. Quickly becoming a temptation for Lincoln and Wren, they resist as best they can with their ultimate goal in mind.

Find and rescue Benjamin Sheehan.

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Pride goeth before
destruction, and an haughty
spirit before a fall.
--Proverbs 16:18

Some demons don't bother to wear a disguise.

The Pipeline has finally been disbanded and Benjamin is back with his sister.
But not everything is rosy. Not by a long shot.

There is only paperwork left between the kids and their adoptions, but Paige hasn’t been herself. Wren and her men know that's not like her. Paige is proud of her track record as a child advocate, and for things to be going this wrong, something is up. Wren is horrified when she finds out what it is, and isn't sure how to help.

Fischer, Lincoln, and Bastian have begun to realize: there’s a reason they are bonded to Wren, and the three of them hatch a hare-brained scheme to use their Hades-bound powers to bring temperance and justice to the sinners who are out of control.

The demons that have started to come through the cracks in the After are becoming more than Miriam and Laxmi can handle. More than once they have had to ask for Ellie's help, but a direct attack on them changes the course they think they are on…

... and adds another to the group.


A soft answer turneth away wrath:

but grievous words stir up anger.

Proverbs 15:1

Coming soon...

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