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Silver Soul is local band without big aspirations. With a few records under their belt and another in production, all the members are happy to be small and local and get a little airtime on the College stations. Good boys during the day, bad asses at night, they play for the love of the music.

They have all the requisite members: the hot lead singer; the wild and crazy bassist; the dreamy, laid-back rhythm guitarist; the animal on the drums; the organized, behinds-the-scenes genius manager– and trouble on the lead guitar.

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One fateful night, by the grace of beer and peanuts, Morgan Kirkbride–the self-professed super fangirl of Silver Soul– falls for the sexy rock god, Nick D.


Lands on her ass right in front of him. 

Morgan is sure the lead singer of Silver Soul thought she was a graceless flake, but instead asks her to a midnight diner and winds up back at her place. She’s captivated, but sure it’s just a crazy one-night fling… Imagine her shock when the very next Monday at Allegheny County Courthouse, the highly respected, well-credentialed chemist Dr. Nicholas Dovadsky is called as a witness — and Morgan recognizes him as the rock god who rocked her bed. 

Sparks fly between them, but things get complicated – fast. When an ex-boyfriend returns to haunt Morgan and her roommate, no one takes him seriously. But when the simple threats become violent, perverse and horrifying, she realizes someone is out to get her. 

Nick doesn’t intend for anything or anyone to stop him from getting to know the spunky, curvaceous, if clumsy, woman. He just keeps coming back…because there’s one thing he knows: he wants Morgan in his life, for good.

Future Volumes To Be Announced

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